
Find out what's going on in the Metroid Crime universe!

Upcoming Events

Date Event Description Link
March 29th, 2025 Multithon 2025

IndyVillain and I will be playing Aaero2 (Co-op - Master) at Multithon 2025. Lazlo on commentary. The event is raising funds for Bluepath Service Dogs.

Past Events

Date Event Description Link
December 16th, 2023 Winter Pride 2023

Winter Pride, running from December 14th-17th, is raising funds for Point of Pride and their much needed programs supporting trans people in need of health and wellness care. I'll be playing Curse Crackers (Belle - Any% No Spark Bangle) with IndyVillain on commentary.

December 9th, 2023 No Holidays Allowed 2023

No Glitches Allowed is a charity marathon running from December 6th to the 9th. The event supports GO rescue, a nonprofit no kill Dog shelter in Norfolk, VA USA. IndyVillain and myself will be playing Payday 3 (2p Co-op Showcase - Stealth All Loot, Random Seed). CasualSlamJam will be on commentary.

December 8th, 2023 No Holidays Allowed 2023

No Glitches Allowed is a charity marathon running from December 6th to the 9th. The event supports GO Rescue, a nonprofit no kill Dog shelter in Norfolk, VA USA. At 1:20 PM EST, I'll be interviewing the head of GO Rescue, Georgia Obenaus.

December 4th, 2023 Games Done Quick Hotfix - Express Lane

IndyVillain and myself will be playing Payday 3 (2p Co-op Showcase - Stealth All Loot, Random Seed) on Express Lane, a Games Done Quick Hotfix show hosted by Asuka424. Critique Quartz will be on commentary.

November 25th, 2023 Games Done Quick Hotfix - Canadian Special

Games Done Quick Hotfix is having me on for a special event! I'll be playing Curse Crackers (Belle - Any% No Spark Bangle) with IndyVillain on commentary.

November 18th, 2023 gorlsGoFAST 2023

gorlsgoFAST is a charity marathon that puts ALL women speedrunners in the spotlight for a good cause! This year the event is raising funds for Transgender Law Center. I'll be playing Curse Crackers (Belle - Any% No Spark Bangle) with IndyVillain on commentary. I will also be on commentary for enbyzee's run of Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis directly afterwards.

November 16th, 2023 Lady Arcaders Attract Mode!

I'll be playing Curse Crackers (Belle - Any%, No Spark Bangle) on Lady Arcaders Attract Mode! IndyVillain is on commentary.

November 3rd, 2023 Speedrun Ragnarok 2023

I'm racing IndyVillain in VVVVVV (Glitchless - Any%) at Speedrun Ragnarok 2023, an online speedrunning charity marathon. The race should take place around 11:00pm EDT.

November 1st, 2023 Speedrun Ragnarok 2023

I'm playing Sonic Mania (Hang Glider% - Amy) at Speedrun Ragnarok 2023, an online speedrunning charity marathon. IndyVillain will be on comms. My run should take place around 6:00pm EDT.

October 30th, 2023 Speedrun Ragnarok 2023

I'm racing TempestMask1000 in Curse Crackers (Any% Belle, No Spark Bangle) at Speedrun Ragnarok 2023, an online speedrunning charity marathon. The race should take place around 11:00pm EDT.

October 14th, 2023 Midwest Speedfest Fall Frenzy 2023

I'm playing VVVVVV (Glitchless - Any%) at Midwest Speedfest Fall Frenzy, an online speedrunning charity marathon.

September 15th, 2023 Grudge Match on GDQ Hotfix

IndyVillain and I have a grudge to settle; who is the better Gamer? We will be racing a game that neither of us have played before!

August 13th, 2023 Flame Fatales 2023

Games Done Quick's Flame Fatales 2023 is an all-women charity speedrunning event, that runs from August 13th-19th, 2023. The event is raising funds for Malala Fund. I am speedrunning Sonic Mania (Hang Glider% - Amy), in addition to doing stream tech behind the scenes, and providing commentary for Sonic Adventure, Indiana Jones & the Fate of Atlantis, and Slime Rancher. You can also catch an interview between Crime and RUBIEHART.

July 6th, 2023 Lady Arcaders Super Showcase 2023

I will be running a game, commentating, and producing for the Lady Arcaders Super Showcase 2023! The event benefits CARE. I will be running Sonic Mania (Hang Glider% - Amy), commentating for Sonic R, and commentating for Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

June 24th, 2023 Power up with Pride 2023

I will be racing IndyVillain in VVVVVV (Glitchless - Any%) on Power up with Pride 2023. The event benefits The Trevor Project.

June 2nd, 2023 Summer Games Done Quick 2023

I played VVVVVV (Glitchless - Any%) at Summer Games Done Quick 2023, a charity event benefiting Doctors without Borders. SGDQ2023 took place in-person in Minneapolis, MN and online on Twitch from May 28 - June 4.

May 21st, 2023 Speedromizer III

Speedromizer is an event where people submit games, they get shuffled, and another runner has to learn it! I will be learning and playing Katana ZERO (All Stages)! The event will be raising funds for The Trevor Project.

May 6th, 2023 Sonic and the Parallel Worlds @ GDQ Hotfix

Sonic and the Parallel Worlds was a weekend event that ran on Games Done Quick, focusing on Sonic mods and fan games! I closed out the first day of the event with Sonic Mania (Hang Glider% - Amy).

April 23rd, 2023 No Glitches Allowed 10

No Glitches Allowed 10 was an online speedrunning marathon that took place from April 19th-23rd, 2023. The event benefitted GO Rescue, a nonprofit Dog shelter in Norfolk, VA USA. I ran Neon Beats (Any% +DLC, Glitchless).

April 22nd, 2023 No Glitches Allowed 10

No Glitches Allowed 10 was an online speedrunning marathon that took place from April 19th-23rd, 2023. The event benefitted GO Rescue, a nonprofit Dog shelter in Norfolk, VA USA. I ran Sonic Mania (Hang Glider% - Amy).

April 1st, 2023 Speed Stuff 4 Trans Lives 2

I raced IndyVillain in VVVVVV (Glitchless - Any%) on Speed Stuff 4 Trans Lives 2. The event benefits Equality Texas.

March 31st, 2023 Women's History Month with the Stardew Valley Collaborative

Stardew Valley Collaborative held a charity event for Women's History Month! Various people participated in a 4-Player Community Center Restoration Race starting on March 31st and ending on April 2nd. Proceeds to Planned Parenthood!

March 24th, 2023 Legally Cute @ GDQ Hotfix

I raced IndyVillain in VVVVVV (Glitchless - Any%) on Legally Cute, a Games Done Quick Hotfix show featuring comfy speedruns.

March 3rd, 2023 Frost Fatales 2023

Games Done Quick's Frost Fatales 2023 is an all-women charity speedrunning event, that took place from February 26th to March 4th. The event raised over $150,000 for Malala Fund. I speedran the Any% Glitchless category in VVVVVV (2010), in addition to doing stream tech behind the scenes, participating on the games committee, and providing commentary for Dark Souls II (Soup%) and Mario Kart 8.

February 10th, 2023 Multithon 2023

Multithon is a marathon dedicated to community and teamwork. The event supports Bluepath Service Dogs, nonprofit organization that helps to provide service animals to autistic individuals. I raced IndyVillain in VVVVVV (Any% Glitchless).